How Can Leaders Thrive Through Times of V.U.C.A.?

Hey, it’s crazy out there! The daily challenges facing business owners, managers, leaders, employees, and well, let’s face it, the world we live in can easily be summed up as V.U.C.A., short for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. These factors make it harder for businesses to operate, no doubt, but the reality is that you can thrive through times of V.U.C.A. It’s a choice. It’s your choice to make. Thriving is an option!

V.U.C.A. & Business Survival

The world is not feeling settled right now (an understatement). Economically, socially, culturally – everything seems to be shifting and re-shifting with no breaks to assess, regroup – or take a deep breath! This blog article looks at business survival in the context of today. First, here’s the definition and a little background on VUCA:

How to Thrive in these Turbulent Times

There is no question that running your business today is quite different that your predecessors 20 years ago. The bottlenecks in transportation right now… this situation is a good example of how intertwined our systems are, the definition of a complex system. With the dairy business clearly an interconnected global marketplace, how is this transportation bottleneck affecting your business?

Change or Else

It’s probably the understatement of the last two years to say that we live in an uncertain world. The military uses the acronym VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity – to describe certain chaotic situations, usually those involving combat. While we fortunately are not in combat situations, VUCA still accurately sums up the world our businesses are operating in.